
United Methodist Beliefs’



Get Your Spirit in Shape

Get Your Spirit in Shape is a podcast from United Methodist Communications that features casual conversations with United Methodist bishops, leaders, authors, pastors and others who offer spiritual nutrition and exercises to help us get and keep our spirits in shape.


We’re connecting faith and life. The Compass Podcast helps us all see the ways in which God’s divine movement disrupts our everyday lives.

This bi-monthly podcast asks some tough questions about faith. Our episodes walk through meaningful spiritual practices and meditations and explore conversations with special guests about how they are encountering spirituality in surprising ways–like in facing up to their own self-doubt, asking questions, or in hanging out with their kids. Join hosts Michelle Maldonado and Ryan Dunn as they go on a journey to come up with creative answers to the old, old question: “How goes it with your soul?”

Un-tied Methodism

Why do Methodists use Welch’s grape juice for communion? What is with the cross and flame logo? Explore these questions and more as we examine the roots of The United Methodist Church (and its predecessor denominations) to understand why The UMC is the way that it is…and where it might be going.

Dr. Ashley Boggan D., general secretary for the General Commission on Archives and History, hosts the “Un-Tied Methodism” podcast. Join us to unravel our past to make sense of today.